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Letting God Write Your Story

Adopting new dreams is a christian-based blog for women who are searching for truth on the Lord's plan for their lives.

Your journey is unique and filled with blessings from the Lord. But when we dictate the story line frustration and heartache manifest. It's time to let go of the pen and watch His plans come to fruition.

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Your Words Matter

Infertility is agonizing. Unfortunately, one in eight women in the U.S. endures the pain and heartache of not knowing if they will ever...

When Christmas doesn't feel like Christmas

The holidays can conjure up different feelings. There’s an excitement about seeing family, anticipation for people to open their gifts, a...

Jumping into the deep end with a faithful God

When God calls us to jump into something new it can be scary. However, his mighty hand is always with us bringing peace to those decisions.

2020 was supposed to...

The promises of 2020 are long gone. If you are like me, you probably had high hopes and aspirations for what this year would bring. Then...

Half dead or half alive?

It was the tree I fell in love with. Beautiful blooms of purple flowers popping out at the start of summer. We bought our home just...

Your Ghost of Christmas Past

Watching “A Christmas Carol” is a holiday tradition. It might be the original 1938 version, the Muppet version or the 1988 “Scrooged”...

Ripping Out the Roots

Matthew 15:13 He replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots.” Our beautiful backyard...

The Road of Expectations

“My way or the highway”, “Take it or leave it”, “I did it my way” — there are several songs and mantras the world tells us to embrace....

Considering the Field

“She considers a field and buys it….” Proverbs 31:16a Tears streaming down my face. Pen shaking in my hand. Fear gripping my entire being...

Stopping the Zombies

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test...

Filling the Empty

Dreams fuel us. We grew up dreaming of our future and continue dreaming well into our adulthood. Dreams get us up out of bed every day...

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